Functional Medicine Annapolis MD HOCATT Therapies

Living Health Integrative Medicine Adds HOCATT to its Treatment Options

August 25, 2022

Living Health Integrative Medicine Adds HOCATT to its Treatment Options HOCATT is a Device that is Designed to Benefit the Body in a Number of Ways, Including Detoxification and Immune Support ANNAPOLIS, MD/ Living Health Integrative Medicine is pleased to announce that they have added HOCATT to their lineup of…

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Integrative Health Annapolis MD Losing Weight This Holiday Season

How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Weight?

December 28, 2021

How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Weight? Calories and Weight Loss This time of the year many people start to focus on recovering from the holidays and setting resolutions for the new year. Often people would like to lose weight and start making dietary changes. Something we see…

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Chiropractic Annapolis MD Boost Your Immune System Detox

Detox Your Body And Start The New Year Fresh

December 20, 2021

Detox Your Body And Start The New Year Fresh! In this episode of Living Health LIVE we explain the ins and outs of detoxing your body. From how to detox your body, to why it’s good to detox. The Episode Includes: Strategies to detox naturally and transform your health. Insight…

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Integrative Health Annapolis MD Happy Holidays

Balancing Holiday Stress for a Healthy New Year

December 7, 2021

Balancing Holiday Stress for a Healthy New Year The holiday season is well underway and now more than ever is a great time to focus on health. This time of the year may bring on feelings of increased pressure, both physically, due to the seasonal change, but also emotionally as…

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Integrative Health Annapolis MD Type 2 Diabetes

The Healing Reset Podcast Featuring Drs. Tom and Stephanie Chaney

November 2, 2021

The Healing Reset Podcast Featuring Drs. Tom and Stephanie Chaney In this podcast Drs. Tom and Steph discuss strategies for reversing (not just managing) your type 2 diabetes. The Podcast Includes: What it means to be pre-diabetic or diabetic The limitations of the conventional diabetes standard of care flow chart…

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Chiropractic Annapolis MD Boost Your Immune System

How To Boost Your Immune System For The Upcoming Season

September 20, 2021

How To Boost Your Immune System For The Upcoming Season In this episode of Living Health LIVE Drs. Tom and Steph talk about ways to boost your immune system. The Episode Includes: New Research regarding Natural strategies to do to keep you healthy. Latest Research on Integrative and Holistic Medical…

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Happy Elderly Couple Biking

How Old Are You Really?

September 20, 2021

How Old Are You Really? Anti-Aging By Optimizing Mitochondrial Function It’s a special month here at Living Health Integrative Medicine as the practice is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Our patients often ask the providers, “how old are you?!?” We know firsthand that looking good parallels feeling good; both of which…

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Integrative Medical Solutions Annapolis MD Leaky Gut Syndrome

Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

August 30, 2021

Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome? Are you having digestive issues or possibly leaky gut syndrome? In this episode of Living Health Live Drs. Steph and Tom discuss how to determine if you have leaky gut syndrome, and how it can be fixed. The Episode includes: What is Leaky Gut…

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Chiropractic Annapolis MD Sleeping Woman

How To Optimize and Troubleshoot Your Sleep

August 3, 2021

how to help you optimize and troubleshoot your sleep In this episode of Living Health LIVE Drs. Steph and Tom discuss how to help you optimize and troubleshoot your sleep. The Episode Includes: Is sleep really important? What are the stages of sleep? What are the main sleep issues? How…

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