Beat the Holiday Stress!
Beat the Holiday Stress!

The holiday season may be one of the most cheerful and joyous times of the year, with family gatherings, celebrations, food and fun, however, many find themselves in an overwhelming state of stress.
According to a survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, the top five stressors Americans face during the holidays are as follows:
68% Crowds and long lines
37% Gaining weight
37% Getting into debt
28% Gift shopping
25% Traveling
While crowds and long lines are definitely not thrilling to be a part, they should not take away from the merry season and the memories created during this time of year. To help combat the stress that may unwillingly arise, extra nutritional support will be key! Corticalm will be your go to product for this month!
Corticalm, is a product containing ingredients that will help your body resist and recover from the effects of stress. Components of this multifunctional formula have been shown to support healthy cortisol levels, help alleviate occasional fatigue, promote mental clarity, and support relaxation and restful sleep. Learn more about it here.
Check out Supplemental Support To Kick The Stress Good Bye for a list of supplements that will help decrease stress.
Get to the stress before it gets to you!