Unveiling The Mysteries Of Thyroid Health in Annapolis MD

Unveiling The Mysteries Of Thyroid Health in Annapolis MD

Chiropractic Annapolis MD Thyroid Health

Did you know that you could have a thyroid condition and not even know it? It’s true. Most hypo- and hyperthyroidism cases go undiagnosed because the symptoms go unnoticed, the onset can be gradual, and symptoms can be subtle or attributed to other conditions. Many people often dismiss symptoms like weight gain, joint pain, fatigue, sleep issues, and thinning hair as being due to stress or aging. But getting older does not have to mean feeling tired and achy all the time. Contact our Annapolis MD chiropractic clinic today to learn more.

What Exactly Is The Thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck responsible for creating, storing, and releasing hormones into the bloodstream. The thyroid produces thyroid hormones, primarily T4 (thyroxine) and in a smaller quantity, T3 (triiodothyronine). The thyroid hormones influence the functioning of almost every organ and cell in the body, including metabolism, energy production, and sensitivity to other hormones. Other key functions include regulating body temperature and cardiovascular function, as well as overseeing the function and development of the brain, muscles, bones, and reproductive health.

How Exactly Does The Thyroid Work?

The hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the thyroid all communicate with one another to maintain thyroid function. The hypothalamus signals the pituitary to release TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), which stimulates the thyroid to produce T4, the inactive form of thyroid. T4 is then converted to the active form, T3. The process is a negative feedback loop, so as T3 and T4 levels rise, they signal back to the hypothalamus and pituitary to reduce TSH release, preventing excessive thyroid hormone production. When this negative feedback loop doesn’t function properly, it leads to disruptions in the regulation of thyroid hormones. This can result in hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and/or autoimmune conditions.

Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) occurs when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin, hair loss, dry skin, loss of libido, change in voice/hoarseness, brittle nails, irregular menstrual cycles in women, slow heart rate, irritability/mood changes, joint pain, muscle pain, and sluggishness. Not everyone experiences all symptoms, and people in the early stages of hypothyroidism may be asymptomatic. It is estimated that 90% of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism affects 5 out of 100 Americans, and is more common than hyperthyroidism, which affects 1 out of 100.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland overproduces thyroid hormones, which can lead to weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat. Other symptoms include nervousness, increased appetite, heat intolerance, excessive sweating, sleep issues, goiter, thinning or brittle hair, and muscle weakness. About 85% of people with hyperthyroidism also have Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder characterized by bulging eyes, double vision, light sensitivity, and eye irritation.

When left untreated, thyroid conditions can lead to high cholesterol, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, osteoporosis, muscle aches, joint pain, menstrual irregularities in women, and in rare but severe cases, a condition referred to as myxedema, characterized by extreme fatigue, unconsciousness, and other complications.

Common Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction In Annapolis MD

Thyroid function is influenced by multiple factors including nutrients, illness, stress, certain medications, inflammation, age, genetics, and hormonal imbalances. Any one or more of these factors can cause the thyroid to produce too little or too much thyroid hormone. Other causes include autoimmune disorders, surgical removal of the thyroid, radiation treatment, thyroiditis, iodine deficiency or excess, and damage to the pituitary gland. This is why lifestyle choices are so important. Following a nutrient-dense, whole foods meal plan, managing stress appropriately, getting good quality sleep, and exercise – these lifestyle factors go a long way in supporting your thyroid.

How Do You Know If You Need Thyroid Support?

Another reason thyroid conditions go undiagnosed is because many conventional practitioners typically only run bloodwork for TSH and T4. However, these two markers do not provide a full, accurate picture. For example, if a person has elevated thyroid antibodies, they have no way of knowing without checking for these particular markers. Other important markers include free T3 and free T4, which represent the biologically active, unbound forms of thyroid hormones that can easily enter cells and exert their effects on various tissues and organs. As you can see, it’s important to look at the full picture – not just TSH alone – and to communicate with your practitioner about any symptoms you may be experiencing.

At Living Health Integrative Medicine, we offer comprehensive testing, and we review your entire health history, including current and past symptoms, and possible related health conditions to gather a full picture of your overall health to help determine how to best support you holistically and nutritionally. While supplementation can be beneficial for many, some may need to take medication. We provide thyroid support supplements, including Iodo-Plex, Thyro Support, and T3 Convert; however, we recommend talking to your practitioner to review your individual needs before starting a supplement regimen.

To learn more about the thyroid, check out Dr. Steph’s series of videos: Natural Thyroid Solutions.

To schedule a Thyroid Consultation and discover balance again in your life, CLICK HERE.


  • Chaker, L., Bianco, A. C., Jonklaas, J., & Peeters, R. P. (2017). Hypothyroidism. Lancet (London, England), 390(10101), 1550–1562. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30703-1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6619426/
  • De Leo, S., Lee, S. Y., & Braverman, L. E. (2016). Hyperthyroidism. Lancet (London, England), 388(10047), 906–918.