Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14
Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14

Kelly’s Detox Journey Day 14
This is Day 14 of the detox with Living Health Integrative Medicine and I am so excited that my energy has maintained and I am sleeping better at night. My focus has been better and also my anxiety has lessened. I think when I was drinking coffee I could feel the caffeine causing my moods to go up and down. My moods have been more stable. Not to mention I lost another three pounds this week!
This week I had a little more temptation but as long as I had my snacks and shakes around I was fine, I wasn’t hungry. I also realized that if I am hungry I am going to eat a little more. This is not a starvation diet so it is okay to eat snacks on the detox.
The process for this detox is supposed to be a shake in the morning, a meal for lunch and a shake at night with snacks and supplements in between. However, there was one day I had dinner for a work event so I took the shakes for breakfast and lunch instead. This is life, so I had to accommodate!
With my measurements I was a little sad to see my belly had increased by two inches. It just shows though that the other night I had rice noodles (which are not included in the plan), and they caused some inflammation. My message to readers this week is you have to be aware of what you are eating! So now I am very aware of the reaction this deviation in my plan caused and I felt the effects for days.
Even with that small setback and temptations I am still highly motivated because people around me already notice a difference. Everyone! People have been complimenting me on my skin and how I look healthier. Its crazy how in just two weeks I am already getting all of these compliments for a minimal amount of work (I haven’t been exercising)!
I feel like this detox is getting me mentally right to not only start out this New Year healthy but a stepping stone to the rest of my life.
Here are my day 1 measurements:
172 Pounds
5 ft 4 inches
Waist- 38 inches
Belly- 41.5 inches
Hips- 41.75 inches
Arms- 13 inches right arm, 14 inches left arm
Left and Right Legs- 24 inches
Here are my day 7 measurements:
- 168 Pounds -> 4 pounds lost!
- Waist- 35.5 inches-> 2.5 inches lost!
- Belly- 38 inches-> 3.5 inches lost!
- Hips- 40.5 inches-> 1.25 inches lost!
- Arms- 13 inches right arm-> same 13 inches left arm-> 1 inch lost!
- Legs- 22 inches left-> 2 inches lost! 23 inches right-> 1 inch lost
Here are my day 14 measurements:
- 165 Pounds- 3 pounds lost!
- Waist- 35.5 inches-> same
- Belly- 40 inches-> gained 2 inches
- Hips- 40.5-> same
- Arms- Right-> 12.5 .5 inches lost! Left-> 13 inches same
- Legs- Left-> 22 inches same Right-> 23 inches same
Since day 1 Kelly has lost 7 pounds in two weeks and 9.75 inches lost off her body!